I last-minute decided to throw on some rhinestones for a competition we had last weekend. I haven’t done this in a long time, but I suppose I was feeling confident about my feet and had many ideas about exactly how to accessories a few particular costumes. So Light Siam it was (plus I find Light Siam really electrifying on the comp floor).

light siam Aidas

I avoided stoning the inside [inside of the outside 😉 ] of the heel cup so i wouldn’t have stones rubbing off all over. Some dancers will stone the inside, so i suppose it’s a personal preference. Even so, I still felt some ‘crunch’ once and a while of stone-on-stone contact during a few dances. Upon later inspection, I did see I lost a few—which is almost unavoidable with any costume/shoe stoning. What I forgot about was the distraction part, however. Every time I felt a ‘crunch’, I thought, oh no, i’m losing stones! hahahah maybe not the thoughts I should be prioritizing while dancing in a competition. But it’s worth mentioning since those kind of random thoughts can sometimes take us out of the moment in performance. I forgot about that.

Stoning shoes is super easy and a fun DYI project to do, and endless ways to apply designs and colours. All you need is glue, stones, an applicator (tweezers or a wax-tip device for picking up stones) and an hour or two.