I’m not sure what to call these exactly – I’ve googled types of crowns but haven’t found the correct terminology yet (if you happen to know, please let me know!). I’m referring to the type of ‘crown’ that sits towards the front of the head. So… we’ll just call these “headdresses” (and put them under headbands in the webstore).

Personally, I absolutely adore these types of headbands. Our first one designed to sit like this, we named “Titania” because it reminded us of the character from Shakespear’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They feel so princess/queen-like but without all the prissiness. Maybe a little more fairy-like? We decided to work on a batch to add to our store, and they are made in such a way that they are formed to drape down the front of the head.

Here are some of the new pieces:

Tzafora ballroom jewelry Tzafora ballroom jewelry Tzafora ballroom jewelry

We are eager to design and add more! These definitely would be best worn with some adhesive down the front where it drapes on the forehead. Pins or adhesive can attach the rest to the hair/head.

We are listing them under the headbands category in the webstore. And don’t forget that they can be recreated in colour, should you be so inspired 🙂 Contact us anytime!