Wow. It’s impossible to describe the sort of energy and excitement at a competition like this. You just have to go and take it all in in person. While I enjoy all our local competitions, the annual UBC Gala has a sort of unbridled enthusiasm that is utterly contagious in every way – on and off the floor.

Watching the newcomer and pre-bronze rounds are my fave…. not only is there a hoard of them, but you can see for so many that this is a step out of their comfort zone and there is a sort of magic in that.  Congrats to all of you!!!

I had such lovely competitors and friends/family of competitors stop by our booth and it was great to connect with so many of you (and thank you to my lovely volunteer that got thrown in without any direction LOL!). I always learn so much seeing how people interact with the jewelry pieces, and from their questions. Looking forward to creating new design pieces with all the inspiration! And I can’t wait to photograph some of the dancers wearing our pieces at future competitions 🙂

53 UBC Gala(we couldn’t even get all our stuff on one table LOL!)

53 UBC Gala 53 UBC Gala 53 UBC Gala 53 UBC Gala 53 UBC Gala 53 UBC Gala