It can be fun to really have full license to run away with wild ideas. A project came in a couple weeks ago, organized by the instructor for one of his salsa students (doing a solo, I believe):

“She needs something quite bold and chunky… nothing too ‘pretty’.”

I asked for a couple photos of her competition look or her costume to see what kind of direction to go in.

When they popped up in my inbox, I was instantly struck by works like Fierce, Bold, Punk Glam, Warrior. I asked “anything goes??” and started to play with some ideas. I felt particularly excited since I once had a similar shorter haircult and I felt as though this woman embodied my own personal stage spirit animal.



It was a blast to play with some gorgeous gold and copper tones, with a dash of amethyst and some super fun dimension. My apologizes that the video is a little dark:


Feather Mohawk set from Tzafora Ballroom Jewelry on Vimeo.

